CapMan's Investments Sustainability Report 2023 is published

CapMan's Investments Sustainability Report 2023 is published

Read the report here

Sustainability at CapMan

At CapMan, we are guided by our mission to build value for the enrichment of society. We strive to be a positive influence in society and a role model for our investors and portfolio companies. Our sustainability journey is about maximising that positive influence.

As a Nordic active and significant owner we are ideally positioned to drive change towards well governed, environmentally and socially sustainable businesses and assets. Our impact comes through decisions, target-setting and finding opportunities to mitigate societal and environmental challenges. For us as a private assets manager and investor, sustainability is about working together with our stakeholders to help them become more sustainable.

Our sustainability roadmap and targets

Our sustainability strategy centres around our role as an active owner. We make an impact through our ability to influence decision-making and activities across the CapMan Group and portfolio companies and assets. We steer our investments towards clear sustainability targets. We strive to find opportunities that mitigate societal and environmental challenges.

CapMan is dedicated to creating a sustainable future that is resilient to climate change and utilizes resources efficiently. With the aim of contributing to a thriving economy, meaningful job opportunities, and diverse workplaces, we have established short-term, mid-term, and long-term sustainability targets. Targets are set for CapMan Group as well as our investment areas. We continue to develop our approach and transition towards our long-term goals.

Roadmap and targets

Sustainability at CapMan Real Estate

At CapMan Real Estate our vision is to develop human centric real estate with a net positive environmental impact. We aim to generate attractive returns for investors while driving a green transition in our industry, optimizing real estate life-cycle value creation to all stakeholders, from the environment to local communities.

Sustainability targets and programme

Sustainable Finance Disclosure and Policies

This statement includes mandatory disclosures under Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Sustainability-Related Disclosures in the financial services sector (EU) 2019/2088 (“SFDR”). Access our SFDR statement here.

SFDR Statement

CapMan considers principal adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors. The present statement is the consolidated principal adverse sustainability impacts statement of CapMan for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023. Read the full statement below.

Read here

Signatory of the PRI since 2012

The PRI initiative is an international network of investors working together to put the principles for responsible investment into practice. The initiative aims to help integrate ESG issues into investment practices. Every year the PRI signatories are evaluated against the implementation of these principles in their investment policies and practices. CapMan became a signatory in 2012 among the first private equity firms in the Nordics.

PRI Transparency Report 2023

PRI Summary Scorecard 2023

We build value for the enrichment of society through active ownership